Alameda to Coyote Pt

Well, this weekend past I moved a used Santana 22 from Fortman's Marina in Alameda to Coyote Point in San Mateo. The wind was out of the south, so dead on the nose the whole way what there was of it. This was a tense trip for me because of the lack of wind and that the motor cooling system was malfunctioning. I noted almost immediately upon leaving the dock that the water coming out of the motor wasn't as strong a stream as usual. The feeling of bad luck became even more present after I split my lip with the tiller. Having no mirror and seeing blood on my fingetips i could only imagine what my face looked like. I tried taking a photo, but it was really too bright for me to do anything but confirm that I had bashed my lip. i couldn't tell if I needed stiches or not.

I was treated to a nice rainbow over Treasure Island on the way across the bay. I was sailing as much as possible wanting to not use the motor or have to call "Boat Tow". I do pay for the service so wouldn't be charged, but I'd prefer to solve my own problems if possible. Ultimately I wasn't making any headway and was moving into a restricted area, so had to crank up the motor and head out at low rpm's. I watched the motor closely for signs of overheating. It took a while, but I finally put in the C.P. and got a slip.

Tomorrow I plan to go up and start some basic maintenance and "dive the boat. I'm hoping this will be a good result for what I put out, I'm constantly learning along the way.


Unknown said…
It's not Treasure Island that you saw a rainbow streaming over, it was Yerba buena island. Of course, as you well know, straight men don't see rainbows.

I'm just saying...
Unknown said…
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