Not much doing

Today I got out for my first "real" sail on Dayspring since putting the mast back up. By "real", I mean first sail with any wind. I was out a couple of weeks ago, but it was so light that it was't much of a trial. Today things blew pretty hard, I thought the small craft flag flown by the harbor masters office was a bit optimistic, but it might have gotten to nearly twenty mph. I noticed one kite and one windsurfer, they don't come out unless it is getting a little intense.

Regardless, I stayed in the wind zone, the area where the wind comes down the runways of SF airport, in that area it was blowing and the boat heeled and it was FUN. I'm getting used to the new routing of the control lines and the two speed winches are the bomb. I love those things, it doesn't even matter that they are not self tailing.

Several boats were out and I wanted to sail into the evening, but it was getting cold and as the wind picked up, I ran for home. Brought the boat most of the way in under sail, wish I could go all the way, but the 75 meters is nose into the wind ( Have to use the motor).

Probably the lowest tide I have ever seen in the marina. It was low when I headed out to sail expecting the tide to be coming in. By the time I got back in, the tide had dropped another four or five feet. Good to know what lurks in the green at the end of my row.


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