Duffell Bag

Sewed up a new sea bag/duffel bag over the weekend. My old one was a little small. I will still have to come up with either pockets or some kind of small bag to hold my GPS and radio, but I really like how this bag turned out. Total work time, probably about two hours. That includes the rudimentary pattern. The zipper was the new bit, hadn't sewn one in before. Got to use the zipper foot for my 223 machine. I love zipper feet, let's you sew right up next to the edge of the seam. My other machine has a pretty small foot in general, so I tend to use it for finer work. The 223 foot, because it is a zig zag foot, is really wide.

Used a water proof material (let's say water resistant) that I picked up for $6 a yard. Bought 3 yards ( it was a 60" roll) leaving me with about half of the material for another project. The zipper was a 26" length for jackets, so I had to sew the end together to prevent it separating completely when opening the bag.


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