Wade the wood carver

an in progress carving of Wade's

Today I received a call from Wade the wood carver letting me know that a rare and rather mythical bit of walnut had shown up at the wood lot.  I grabbed hime some of my anchor seal ( as he had been asking about it ) and jumped in the truck.  25 minutes later I pulled up to find him sharpening his chainsaw.  He pointed out the pieces and called out the ones he was taking, I could have my pick of the rest.  I took what I thought I could use and left the remaining for whomever.  There wasn't much remaining though.  It looks like the tree had been dead and standing for a long time as the wood was already pretty dry and the presence of termites and boring insects was apparent.

Got it home and sealed it up.  I took one of the smaller pieces chopped it into a blank thinking I might make a salad bowl.  Turing large dry wood is a different experience and I ended up with a less than inspired vessel.  Not big enough for salads, too big for cereal.  Don't know what I will use it for.  Looks like a mortar, maybe I need to make a pestle.


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