whittier dory progress to date


Well, progress continues to be slow, mainly a function of my "making it up as I go along". Lots of abortive steps forward and then back.  Made some no longer needed notches in the bulkheads today, dammit!  I notched them, laid the support boards ( to support the seats) and then decided I hated them.  Took up too much space.  The bulkheads are more than strong enough, once again it looks like I may be overbuilding something.  I bet this thing ends up being 150lbs when I am done.  Maybe just a little too heavy to cartop or for me to easily carry.  Hope it will be light enough for two.

I am thinking I will have to make some kind of wheels set (dolly) for launching from beach, river bank, etc.

Still, the benches are going in and that makes me happy.  Keel box will go in soon, then final epoxy coat and paint.  Then I will have to figure the sail and exact mast set up, though I am leaning toward a "leg o mutton" configuration as I have a windsurf mast and think I may be able to use that without putting holes in it or otherwise screwing it up.  Mast is to be 16 feet tall, sail is 14 feet along luff.

Keel is to be 3/4" ply ( I am using the PD racer as a model for this, can always build up something fancier later).

Will be racing the next couple weekends as Santana 22 nationals are coming.  This will crimp build time, dang! ( just cause I seem to be making some progress finally)


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