Santana 22 Nationals 2015

A ways back now, I was happy to crew on "Byte Size" for the Santana 22 Nationals.  As I often do, I tried to put together a little video document of the day.  This year I was fortunate to have a shooter on the committee boat.  This was a good thing because, I am embarrassed to admit, the borrowed GoPro I wore on my helmet was set weird and I didn't get any worthwhile footage.  Otherwise, the other cameras worked fine and I cobbled together the above video.

The video pretty much explains things, but just in case.  The races were held in front of the Corinthian Yacht Club out in front of Angel Island east of Raccoon Straights.  Friday, the practice day, saw us doing well as there was a decent amount of wind.  The real races began on Saturday and the winds were light and the current was ripping.  We had a tough time ( Byte Size ) adapting to the different conditions and saw our starts suffer.  We finally had our act together by the last race of the day and on Sunday, but it was too late to make any gains in the standing.

Still a great group and some fun racing.


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