In response to Marc Weidenbaum

Dear Major Hiatus,

I took note of a twitter "rant" today that reminded me of my lack of content creation here on Keay's Stuff.  More than lately, pretty much all the time now, the amount of creativity in my tank has been extremely limited.  This is not an excuse (Maybe I'll make that a mantra if I ever get serious about meditation.).

I cannot overstate what an impact the loss of a 3 day weekend has had on every aspect of my life.  A little background, I had the opportunity to change positions at the University and I took it.  I knew rationally that it would be life changing, but experience is sometimes different from imagined experience.  If I live, the trade off will be worth it.

In those blissful days where I worked 4 days at 10 hour a day (not counting the extra 9 hours devoted to teaching on top of the 40hour week to make ends meet), Friday was "me" day.  I'd make art, or have extended exercise sessions AND still have the weekend for family and friends.  Now my schedule is the typical 9-5 and something had to give.

Ok, enough...

Lately I have been listening to some cool Soundcloud stuff.  Even though I have been posting stuff for a while, it has not been about music or composing.  So, to start, I love this:

I don't recall the how or why I stumbled across this, but I love this piece.  If you like guitar driven experimental music, look her up.


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