Random Thought on Social Media

As an image maker and lover of The Visual, I sometimes crash through the various image feeds of friends and acquaintances.  Of course there is a lot of crap and things that without a connections to the poster ( ie baby photos by friends or family ) have little to no meaning.  Still, I like to see what friends are doing, images of the mundane to the iconic.  It is a brief and welcome distraction most of the time.

One friend in particular has an utterly banal lifestyleish stream of idealized images at such odds with the topical reality of his life, that it makes for a fascinating study. These are the kind of motivational or aspirational images that a life coach or spiritual guru might publish.  At least 50% are lies.  Sure they are places where he may or may not have been, but its not where he is at the moment.

It would be pure conjecture on my part to attribute reason or logic to any of it.

Still, it is a little weird..... 


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