Mt. Hamilton Ride

Almost on a lark I decided to make the weekend ride to the summit of Mt Hamilton.  I had ridden pretty hard two days before, but when presented with a chance to ride with some friends I just had to.  I woke before my alarm at 5:45 a.m.  Alum Rock road is close to my house and I wolfed down some oatmeal and stuffed some of my wife's empanadas in the jersey pockets and was out the door by 6:15.  Twenty minutes later the group was assembling and on our way a few minutes later.  

Was a near perfect ride temperature wise and Peter and I ended up off the front as is typical for us.  The climb just goes on and on and I was ready for it to be over for sure when we summitted.  It is pretty dramatic going up the last switchbacks below the observatory.

After a few moments to collect our wits and wills atop the hill, we noted the commemorative bench with a plaque speaking about a woman who had ridden to the top of the mountain 6 times her 65th year. Pretty impressive however one looks at it.  

The descent was pretty much as remembered. Lots of hairpins, a couple of off camber turns and a lot of nasty bumps. The kind that feel a lot like some burly ape hitting you in the crotch with a bicycle saddle. Imagine that burly gent with a leather clad fist punching one in the prostate (there thats got it). Once onto the last 5 miles the road smooths out and becomes more enjoyable. Granted , I love descents, even this one, so I was pretty happy anyway.

Later, after a few hours of recovery, we went to a friends birthday party for cheer and a brilliant sunset.  

Looking South

Northwest toward the Bay

Lance with his Fred mirror and iNag (iPhone out of sight, the thing talks at him constantly, maybe that's why Peter and I had to go off the front).


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