Summer is roaring to a close

For all intensive purposes, summer is closed.  One of the benefits of working in academia is that summer still means something.  Though, for staff, this is not one of our benefits, we work all year.  Still, summer saw time taken off, spending it with family and working on summer projects.

I took the Laker Kayak up to Oregon for some river time.  Have to say, it is a bit nicer than the "Cheap Canoe".  I still think it is ideal with about 200lbs in it.  I am tempted to cut the holes a little bigger for two light persons.  With 300lbs+ in it, it rides with about 4" inches of freeboard showing.  Still not bad considering how small it is.  It draws maybe a few inches it paddles along nicely.
Laker Kayak with two people in a shallow pool connected to a creek
Returning to the bay area it was plunging right back into projects.  The Dory first and foremost.

It is a priority, I want it done, I am doing detail work and ...... sanding.  I am just NOT in the mental mood to engage in too much sanding and sanding is exactly what all my projects need right now.  That include all the bowls I am pushing to finish.  I've been processing all the rough turnings I did a few months ago.  Todays project was to get through a walnut bowl I had turned too thin.  It appeared to be pretty dry at the time and walnut is pretty stable through the drying process.  The bowl was pretty oval, but worth saving.  Sanding while oval sucked.  It looked like if I rounded it out, my wall thickness might be as little as a 1/4".

Yes, tool marks, bummer.
It looks like it will be a beautiful bowl though.  I just am going to take my time and get rid of my poor tool handling marks.  Lot of stuff to get through though.

Some of the blanks awaiting attention
Walnut, Camphor, Maple and Ash Oh My! The finished box keeps getting fuller though.


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