Canoes & Kayaks on Coyote Creek

I've been doing research for the Coyote Creek run. Traced the length of the creek from where I expect to put in and where I expect to get out. Noted that the google maps must have taken a picture of the last creek cleanup day as there are a bunch of canoes and kayaks ( a jon boat too) visible.

There is so much junk that collects in these creeks, you'd think we lived in some hillbilly neighborhood. Thing is, I have known some people that might be called, "Hillbilly" or "Briar" and they wouldn't ever throw their old washing machines, shopping carts, or assorted junk into a creek. One of the big reasons the nearby Guadalupe flooded back in '94 was that it was so full of garbage. I remember walking down after the water had subsided and there were old cars that people had just thrown in there.

regardless, thought this was an interesting find. Here is the link to the actual google map if you want to zoom. Link


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