Coyote Point Beercan racing
Dodgy day today. Grey, rain on and off, not the kind of day that says, " Get on out in it". I left work a little early to get up to San Mateo in time for the skipper's meeting. It was a very informal affair. A fair number of people in the room materialized into 3 boats other than ours. Most were there to crew. All of these boats were at least 30 and some odd feet. Longer waterline makes for faster speed.
It seems like we hit a weather window of sorts. The day before and the day after we had winds gusting into the high twenty somethings. This day was relatively light for the bay on an afternoon. No reefing and the class jib up.
We spent our afternoon chasing the other boats around, but often being encouraged to make it a short course as the large boats would round the marks and wave us to follow them. Even so, we were nearly the last to sit down for dinner. I hope that in future races there will be more boats out for better weather.
Image of another boat coming down from SF way.